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Amelinghausen: Heidschnucke sheep

©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Copyright 2007

Shepherd Thomas Rebre

The shepherd of Amelinghausen holiday region, Mr. Rebre, is in the moving around in the midst of Lüneburg Heath Nature Park with his herd of Heidschnucken.

Amelinghausen holiday region invites you to visit shepherd Rebre with his herd of Heidschnucken. From May to September you can meet the shepherd by chance on walks and bike tours, so keep your eyes open.

Whether big or small - pure nature: a real highlight for everyone!

Since 2011, the Heidschnucken have spent the winter in their new Heidschnucken stall in Kronsbergheide.


Interesting facts about Heidschnucke sheep

Few pets are kept as well as Heidschnucke

Throughout the year, the animals roam the heathland of Lüneburg Heath and only move to their winter quarters for a short time.Actually, Heidschnucke are even slightly exotic among sheep because they are probably descended from European wild sheep, which originally came from Corsica. Not only in appearance does the Heidschnucke differ greatly from its relatives, it is also smaller, hardier, and their meat has a slight wild taste.

Heidschnucke have probably been kept for a very long time on the Heath because their browsing helps the rejuvenation of the heather. In addition to plaggen and scrub removal, keeping the Heidschnucke is an important contribution to the preservation of the Heath.


Worth knowing about the shepherd

The shepherd has the oldest trade in the world. In Biblical times there was the shepherd and at that time it was a very important profession. Today, the shepherd is much rarer, but in Lüneburg Heath alone there are five Heidschnucke herds roaming around.

Migratory shepherds lead their flock to places where enough food can be found for all the animals. There are supported by 2 - 4 dogs which usually react only to eye movements and clicking and whistling signals.