Lüneburg: Lüne Abbey and Textile Museum

Having been destroyed twice by fire, the surviving medieval buildings were completed in 1372. Sights include the fountain hall, with its 'Handsteinbrunnen', the refectory with its exposed murals, the cloister with its carved stone vaults, and the chapter house. There are many things to see in the convent church and the 'Nonnenchor', including a triptych from 1524 carved into the main altar, an early Baroque organ dating back to 1645, and procession flags from the early 15th century. In the dormitories, you can also see a nun's cell from around 1500 and paintings on canvas from 1700. The convent's most precious possessions are on display in the Textile Museum: white linen-on-linen embroidery work, including altar cloths and Lenten veiling from the 13th and 14th centuries. There are also tapestries and pew covers in coloured wool on linen using "klosterstitch", retained from around 1500 in unparalleled condition. All exhibits were made by Benedictine nuns in the convent and display biblical themes and the tales of the saints. Since the Reformation, the convent has been a Protestant abbey (or "Damenstift") which is still led by an abbess to this day. Tours available on application.
The cloister can only be visited with a guided tour, which takes place from Tuesdays to Saturdays at 10:30, 14:30 and 15:30, as well as Sunday and holidays at 11:30, 14:30 and 15:30.